Rohanta, is an experienced & socially motivated team of IIT, Phd scholars, ex-Scientists of eminent Institutes ,Graduates to develop technologies in waste water management that are cost effective and helps to sustain environment.
The idea is to develop decentralised Sewage Treatment Plants to reduce carbon foot print and increase water foot print by recharging ground water.Rohanta has developed in house solutions for aeration of water bodies, floating wetlands and floating debris barriers.
Also, Rohanta is licensee for prominent technologies in waste water treatment.
How we work?
a. Trapping and cleaning of water to rejuvenate the water body.
b. Removal of all the historical sludge.
c. Creation of enhanced capacity to hold monsoon flows on the site.
d. Restoration of the larger catchment of the water body and its re connection.
e. Where appropriate, creation of ghats in an environmentally friendly manner.
f. Creation of ecologically designed easy to maintain landscapes for public use.
g. Putting in place management regimes that are sustainable for the long term and
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