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Consultancy Requirement Detail

Expert Guidance for Tire Recycling Plant Establishment

Requirement Description:
We are seeking a consultant to assist in the establishment of a manufacturing plant dedicated to reclaiming rubber and textiles from scrap car and truck tires. Our goal is to supply these reclaimed materials to various industries for the production of finished goods. We aim to create a sustainable and profitable B2B business by leveraging advanced recycling technologies and processes. Preferred location Rajasthan or Gujarat. Project Scope Market Research and Feasibility Study Conduct an in-depth market analysis to identify demand, competitive landscape, and regulatory environment. Assess the feasibility of the project, including financial projections and potential ROI. Business Plan Development Assist in formulating a comprehensive business plan, including vision, mission, objectives, and strategies. Develop detailed financial models and funding strategies. Location Selection and Facility Setup Recommend suitable locations based on proximity to scrap tire sources, logistics, and regulatory compliance. Provide guidance on facility layout, space requirements, and utility needs. Technology and Equipment Selection Advise on the selection of appropriate recycling technologies such as pyrolysis, cryogenic grinding, and ambient mechanical grinding. Recommend necessary equipment for tire shredding, granulating, separation, and milling. Environmental and Safety Compliance Ensure compliance with environmental regulations and standards. Develop safety protocols and measures for worker safety and hazardous material handling. Operational Plan and Quality Control Assist in developing an efficient production process and quality control measures. Provide guidance on supply chain management and operational efficiency.
Posted By:
Name: Shubham Baheti
View contact details of Shubham Baheti
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