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Treatment and Disposal

Experts in waste related treatment, disposal and recycling

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Learn about ways to treat and dispose waste in compliance with the set rules and guidelines

Dispose waste responsibly via eco-friendly methods

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Through this platform individuals/organisations looking for waste management secvices such as :

  • Waste Buying and Selling options
  • Waste Treatment and Disposal
  • Waste related Compliance and Regulations
can directly connect with experts who are experienced in their field and can guide them

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Landfill construction Inert waste Co-composting Liquid waste PLASTIC Vermi composting Metal Scrap Sustainability reporting Hazardous Waste Treatment and Disposal Biological treatment Environmental Auditing Air pollution Coprocessing ISO9001 Environment Inspection Cte GReen Globe EC compliance Collection and Transportation Plastic industries Plastic recycling industries Waste management rules Fecal sludge treatment WTE Pyrolysis of waste Environmental restoration EHS Flexible plastic State Pollution Control Board Sewage Treatment Plant Plastic For Recycling Consent (CTE/CTO) Anaerobic digestion Biodegradable waste Chemical waste SASB Collection and logistics model for waste Recycling of waste water Wet waste Effluent treatment Plastic packaging PLASTIC WASTE TO PRODUCTS Environment Monitoring Central Pollution Control Board Effluent Treatment Plant Municipal Solid Waste Management Cto Cte Environmental impact assessment Sewage Sludge Treatment Plant Mechanical recycling Bioculture for 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What our customers say

Rajeev Gupta
My experience with mywastesolution has been very smooth and easy to be precise. If you want to make money selling your waste, don't look beyond mywastesolution!
Ashu Chauhan
Very user-friendly interface and makes seeking waste consultancy super easy for you! Seek expert consultancy for your company's waste to successfully reduce your waste contribution.
Gita Sigh
I Had been looking for solid waste management companies for a long time, mywastesolution made my work easier by giving me a list of waste treatment companies to choose from. Totally recommend it!
David Dsouza
We are very happy with the consultancy services provided. Consultants are easy to reach out to and gives cost effective solutions for your waste. Managing waste couldn't be easier!
R. Gopalan
Quite satisfied with the consultancy services provided. Helped me a lot in getting waste license for electronic waste and received guidance in proper disposal of e-waste.


How does waste water treatment work?
Why is waste treatment important?
How can the right Consultant help you with the right waste treatment/disposal method?
How can the right Consultant help you with opting for an economically viable waste treatment/disposal option?
How can the right Consultant help you with knowing options to reuse the waste?
How can the right Consultant help you with calculating specific waste treatment periods?